čtvrtek 30. října 2014

How will you improve the Czech Republic?

Zappo: A small machine Causing a major impact

A new machine seems to be altering the Czech way of life more rapidly each day. Though it is quite small and seemingly unimportant, the Zappo is the start to a greener, cleaner, and much better, way of life for the people of the Czech Republic. With a click of a button the machine instantly sorts your trash for you and sends it off to the compost within a matter of seconds.  Zappo Machines are not only going to be found in peoples homes but in restaurants and parks alike, promoting not just those in the home to keep their cities clean, but people everywhere. It will help promote cleaner cities while also saving animals that fall victim to rubbage on a daily basis. Not only will it do this, but it will also make each and every city a more beautiful and clean place. Each individual will be given a ticket with the use of any machine and with each use will be rewarded with credit, which they can redeem at the end of each month. No longer will there be trash littering the park or floating by in the water because people will no longer have the incentive to throw it on the ground. Look out citizens of the CR, a new machine is coming your way!

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