čtvrtek 30. října 2014

Fahrenheit 2025

The year is 2025. I'm 31. I'm old.

However I'm not old enough to be averse to using the latest technology, which involves itself in almost every aspect of my day. When I wake up an alarm rings not in the typical Iphone marimba tone that we are all used to, but in the soothing voice of Siri telling me what happened in the world during the previous 6 hours that I slept. There is no morning newspaper and no morning news. Instead there is only this voice that travels with me around my apartment as I get ready for work.

This voice also tells me about all of my friends boring monotonous morning rituals and thoughts much in the same way that twitter does, only now there is no need to arduously type out those 140 characters.

Let alone the disappearance of all forms of paper, we also have said goodbye to keyboards, type and any need to have to use our thumbs for texting. What has also disappeared are the less profitable organizations we've trusted to give us our information in the past such as The New York Times and the now almost laughable PBS, they have instead been completely replaced by companies like Apple, Amazon and Google.

Once I'm ready, I travel to work through a self-driving car made by Apple for whatever reason. The trip involves more information bombardment, ranging from hard news to recommendations for restaurants to go to for lunch. This information voice knows me in a way that's very similar to Scarlett Johansen's voice in Her minus the whole confusing romantic element.

When I arrive to work half the staff are present only as holograms in an advanced skype type technology. Many workplaces are like this now in which the staff exists in different offices around the  world but can be seen as holograms in each.

I work for one of the big companies that I mentioned earlier, but then again so does everyone else. Regardless if you work at a gas station or at a school as a teacher, chances are that Amazon, Google and Apple has bought it out and you work for them. And because they are the main transmitters of information everyone's thoughts, experiences and observations become their reporters. And any editors or fact checkers become replaced with some algorithm that compares and evaluates the billion of of other thoughts that are going through each and every mind on Earth.

The world of journalism is dead and what remains is just information.

However I don't think this totalitarian regime of Apple, Google and Amazon will last, eventually some type of Fahrenheit 451 explosion will occur, and paper, books and printing will come back, so don't be too scared.

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