čtvrtek 30. října 2014

B.) How will you improve the Czech Republic?

Berete kreditní karty? Ne!

After living in the Czech Republic for two months, you tend to appreciated the little things that your native country offered that other countries, in this case the Czech Republic, don’t offer. I love the charming cobblestones and the efficient public transportation system in Prague, but the lack of technological incorporation into everyday things can be rather frustrating. In the U.S. you can pay with a debit card or a credit card virtually anywhere. It’s easy, efficient and doesn’t require you to carry around tons of cash or coins in your pocket. In the Czech Republic, debit/credit cards are barely used.

      If I could improve the quality of life in the Czech Republic, I would make payment options credit/debit card friendly. Czechs wouldn’t have to pay with coins every time they want to buy a metro or tram ticket. Czechs wouldn’t have to take out an unnecessary amount of cash to buy dinner at a café or drinks at a club. Requiring every café, restaurant, bar, pub, club and store to have credit/debit as a payment option would make the Czech Republic more efficient and tourist friendly. Offering credit and debit card payment options will help the Czech Republic progress into the technologically prevalent times that are upon us!

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